
The 10 ASEAN countries have announced their intentions, and the shared goal of a drug-free zone since 2014 or 2558, and has defined that all countries in the region to be successful in reducing. The severity of the drug problem. With the goal of reducing drug crops. Reduce illicit drug trafficking. Reduce the spread of drugs. In addition, ASEAN has announced an ASEAN community in 2558 in Thailand on December 31, 2558, which the government hopes to see growth in the economy, trade and investment. And tour This is a positive aspect of the integration of ASEAN Community. But in the meantime, the government has to take into account the negative consequences that will occur. In particular, the drug problem. The government has raised "National" and "regional agenda" because the drug problem is not a problem only in Thailand. ASEAN countries are facing this problem as well. When the merger of ASEAN, the problem of the spread of drugs, it could be more severe because the relationship with the movement of population. Freight Transportation And Tourism Office Narcotics Control Board, as the federal agency that acts to prevent and resolve drug. Thailand has seen the need for strategic cooperation on drugs to support ASEAN community. And to be able to practice to fix and prevent outbreaks. Drugs in the 10 member countries of the ASEAN countries and have a vision of a drug-free ASEAN by 2015 as mentioned above. And a drug-free ASEAN Plan of Action for 2015 to manage the drug problem in the region is needed to propel the activity within the ASEAN action plan to clear. There is substantialAnd greater cooperation between the 10 ASEAN countries, Gen. Pongsathust Warde Pongcharoen Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board Office of the Narcotics Control Board has the concept of establishing the ASEAN (ASEAN Narcotics Cooperation Center. ) or the ASEAN-NARCO to a place where member countries to work together. As used in offices The coordination of Member States and 10 countries in the activities. The regional drug benefit was primarily due to Thailand's
Office of Narcotics Control Board has proposed the establishment of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board in ASEAN ASEAN drugs at the 2nd Special Session. Brunei On September 3, 2556 and was received very well by Member States. The Brunei Times newspaper's coverage of the meeting. By emphasizing that Thailand has proposed the establishment of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board with the ASEAN, Thailand has presented concept papers. The Office of the Narcotics Control Board official ASEAN at a meeting of ASEAN Senior Officials on Drugs (ASOD) No. 34 at Rangoon, Myanmar. And has been received well by the meeting. The Office of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN is clear. And more concrete Office Narcotics Control Board has established the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, the Meeting of ASEAN and a total of 4 times in the last time.The cooperation with ASEAN Department of Foreign Affairs Meeting of the working group established by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board ASEAN 4/2556 on Friday, November 29, 2556 at 9:30 am., At the head auspicious four-storey building, one by the Office of the Narcotics Control Board. Deputy Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board (Miss Creating tote moon) chairs the meeting, the results are satisfactory, making the establishment of ONCB ASEAN are clear and more concrete. The planning office. A draft action plan for the fiscal year 2557 with the establishment of the ASEAN Narcotics Control Board and discuss policy guidelines of the Office. ONCB. ASEAN.
Overview of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN's
goal of establishing an ASEAN Narcotics Control Board office for the center in coordination. And implementation of the drug. Is the place to publish drug activities of ASEAN member countries. A place to exchange information on drugs. Surveillance and zero drug problem in the region. The mechanisms linking with other international organizations. Office locations ASEAN Narcotics Control Board Office of the Narcotics Control Board 2 floors, 4
The administration of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board ASEAN
office structure comprises three divisions:
1. department director and coordinator. Is responsible for management and coordination in general. Both conferences, training care budget. To welcome and facilitate the operational or contact the Office of the Narcotics Control Board ASEAN
2. Information and Public Relations Department. Will be responsible for gathering data Both the drug problems of the region. Information drug situation By linking with international organizations. Information for the implementation of ASEAN Senior Officials on the activities. And outreach The implementation of the ASEAN in resolving the drug problem in the form of media. Publicly
3. Operations The first phase will focus its work on combating drugs. And the investigation of drugs together, as the agency network interception and drugs at the international airport in ASEAN (ASEAN Airport Interdiction Task Force - AAITF) subsequently phased implementation in other sections, such as the identification. Development Alternatives Operations are comprised of several operating segments based on the contents of cooperation.
Personnel structure of the office
staff of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board staff will be divided into two categories, namely ASEAN personnel regularly. The head of the Narcotics Control Board officials at ASEAN must be capable of working both in the administration. And cooperation with ASEAN members. Head of the Narcotics Control Board for a term not less than two years, the meeting agreed that the Deputy Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board assignments. The acting head of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN will be Deputy Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board, which oversees the drug due. Will start operating from the drug. And / or abroad who have knowledge of English. And staff to be Thailand. Due to budget The personnel are stationed.. The people together occasionally.Depending on the projects or activities that are coordinated together. Each project will have a duration different from each ASEAN member country can send staff to work in the Office of the Narcotics Control Board ASEAN occasionally. Depending on certain projects or activities that require personnel with expertise in such work.Performed his duties And coordination so that the work done by the target. Or the ASEAN countries sent officers to training on capacity development to enhance their ability to work. By Period ASEAN member countries to appoint embassy of that country. The country's drug coordinator for the Office of the Narcotics Control Board to work with ASEAN countries to act responsibly regarding the Secretary and served in various facilities. To the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN
Management structure Office of the Narcotics Control Board ASEAN
ASEAN Narcotics Control Board office management structure is divided into two parts:
1. Management has set up a steering committee composed of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN Secretary-General. Deputy Secretary of the Narcotics Control Board, chaired Narcotics Control Board as Vice Chairman. Director-General of ASEAN as a consultant Representatives of ASEAN Agency representatives Division / Office of the Director of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs. The Secretary Foreign Office officials Assistant Secretary
2. The Office of Operations. ASEAN Narcotics Control Board Office of the Narcotics Control Board is managing the operations of the office is in the center. The head office and the head of cooperation, each side is operated.
Operations / functions of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, ASEAN
ASEAN is the duty of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board is the gathering place of the ASEAN member countries. The drug is a drug surveillance center in the region. Is a coordinated push to resolve the problem of drug ASEAN countries. Coordinated operations that require joint action, such as working projects agency network interception and drugs at the international airport in ASEAN (ASEAN Airport Interdiction Task Force - AAITF) Office of Narcotics Border (. Border Liaison Offices - BLO) and the Mekong security operations center (Joint Operation Safe Mekong) so as to exchange information for the investigation of drugs is a common goal. As a director In the performance and the goal of two states or more. Is a coordinated About Training and dissemination activities on drugs.
The activities of our firm The first phase will carry out activities in already made and extend cooperation to cover ASEAN as the agency network interception and drugs at the international airport in ASEAN (ASEAN Airport Interdiction Task Force on Drugs- AAITF). Establishment and Development Coordination Office Narcotics Border (Border Liaison..Office - BLO) project APICC Smart Program project organized training on drugs. Project Leadership Network Youth Anti-Drug ASEAN (ASEAN Youth Leader Network against Drugs) are currently ASEAN's Office Narcotics Control Board web site. Which was conducted by the Center for Information Technology Office, Office of the Narcotics Control Board to prepare and cooperation with ASEAN. Department of Foreign Affairs is in charge of form and content, along with supporting information. Moreover, the coordination of international drug control. Bureau of Narcotics as well as supporters, however Division / Office associated with the project / activity. Information or cooperation under the framework of ASEAN cooperation. It will support the same data, however. Office of the Narcotics Control Board for the establishment of ASEAN is also in the process of drafting the project. This requires the establishment of a working group meeting of ASEAN Narcotics Control Board to discuss the project in detail and provide clearer. The consideration of the budget Moreover it must be discussed with the head of the Federal Agency on Drugs other ASEAN anymore.